When a barrier draws attention to itself, it might be because we should be careful of what dangerous or fragile thing it is guarding. Garden stakes mark vulnerable shoots with distinctive makers, acting as supportive bollards buffering careless feet and anchoring them as they shoot up towards the sky.
My work WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait uses excessively tall bollards hung with colourful cotton bunting to guard the garden at ARTSPLACE. 21 ten-foot-tall banners encircle the bushes and roses. Each hangs from 7 twelve-foot poplar bollards. The banners are a bright high-vis red-orange, marking the outline of the garden’s perimeter. The fluttering banners encourage stopping, waiting, perhaps taking the time, opening curiosity.
WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait makes room for this pause, drawing attention past itself and onto the garden it is made to care for. To defend ARTSPLACE’s garden, WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait creates a permeable barrier, filtering the view of the roses and bushes. If this small friction intrigues passers-by, I hope they search for what is worth defending. Caring is contagious. Pausing and waiting for a moment passes this practice on to ourselves allowing for a momentary rest.