Yearly Archives: 2022

11 posts


WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait (2022)


When a barrier draws attention to itself, it might be because we should be careful of what dangerous or fragile thing it is guarding. Garden stakes mark vulnerable shoots with distinctive makers, acting as supportive bollards buffering careless feet and anchoring them as they shoot up towards the sky.

My work WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait uses excessively tall bollards hung with colourful cotton bunting to guard the garden at ARTSPLACE. 21 ten-foot-tall banners encircle the bushes and roses. Each hangs from 7 twelve-foot poplar bollards. The banners are a bright high-vis red-orange, marking the outline of the garden’s perimeter. The fluttering banners encourage stopping, waiting, perhaps taking the time, opening curiosity.

WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait makes room for this pause, drawing attention past itself and onto the garden it is made to care for. To defend ARTSPLACE’s garden, WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait creates a permeable barrier, filtering the view of the roses and bushes. If this small friction intrigues passers-by, I hope they search for what is worth defending. Caring is contagious. Pausing and waiting for a moment passes this practice on to ourselves allowing for a momentary rest.

Sketch for WaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWaitWait (2022)

Cloudy Cafe

cloudy café

a conversation surrounding struggles resulting from burnout and the audacity of staying inspired.

11am June 11th, 2022 @ ARTsPLACE

This will be an open casual conversation where we can share our

struggles with the effects of burnout. Learning from each other how we might return from a state of brain fog and buffering.

water, tea, and coffee will be available

396 St. George St. Annapolis Royal (902) 532-7069

bartly qartly partly

bartly qartly partly (2022) Installation View


B Mosher has been tinkering with a series of lighthearted poetical drawings and playful sculptural pieces. This work often exists between a spectrum between cloudedness and clarity. bartly qartly partly is a chance to playfully arrange these graphic drawings and simple kinetic sculptures for show. The work found in bartly qartly partly is often unstable and light. They remain precariously nimble, needing to constantly recalibrate to the forces around them.

Though they did not realize it then, B’s practice of making quick doodle-like drawings and delicate, vulnerable sculptural works would become an affirmative and stabilizing practice throughout the swell of the pandemic reality. Surrounded by a fog of unknowable precarity, they kept their hands busy, working their creative practice into knots.

blonk plink ding

plonk plick ding

A series of percussive and splooshy sounds successively set off reactions between objects towards no discernible purpose. The sounds are a direct result from extensive planning and setting up these reactions with much trial and error to debug the mechanism that keeps the momentum going.

blonk plink ding can be heard in bartly qartly partly, runnning May 1 – June 11 2022 at ARTSplace in Annapolis Royal, NS.

With samples from:

Fichli and Weiss: The Way Things Go (1987)
Rick Franklin: Happy Gilmore The putt scene (1996)
Rodney Glenn: Brazil Breakfast scene (1985)
Solange Schwalbe: The Goonies Gate opener scene (1985)

Uhhh..?..Uhh… / 7 Mini-Zines: Stumbling Through Brain Fog

Uhhh..?..Uhh… / 7 Mini-Zines: Stumbling Through Brain Fog was made amidst the covid-19 pandemic and the many stay-at-home measures. It catalogues drawings made between the years 2020 and 2021, trying to try to make and succeeding in small ways.

01 … Cartoons That Are Probably too Dumb To Submit To The New Yorker.
02 … Clouds & Loaves
03 … Stars
04 … The High Cost of Eyewear
05 … Bees
06 … Garden
07 …. GUYs

Each copy is 136 pages of plain white and pastel paper, hand bound and glued to a custom cut grey cover.

Available to purchase at